When using JQuery mobile to dynamically populate select controls, you may notice that the options of the control do not really refresh. This is because the native control is in fact replaced by html content when the page loads. When the options of the select control are updated dynamically, you must rebuild the html content representation to reflect the new state of the native control....
Android Emulator - Use Localhost Web Server
If you are using the Android emulator, and you are trying to reach your web pages in your local development machine, you will soon realize that the emulator can't reach your local web server using localhost, the machine IP address or the machine name. There is however a simple explanation for this. The emulator has its own localhost loopback interface ( This means...
Use Preprocessor Directives to Support Multiple Web Service Versions
When there is a new version of a web service in a different URI, we usually just need to point to that new URl and get the new reference class for that service. A problem may arise when the new service definition does not keep backward compatibility, and your project will no longer compile because a property or method was either renamed, or it no longer exists. An approach to address this problem...
How to Deploy Files in Different Servers with Team Build
I use Team Build to automate the build and deployment of my projects. In the build project, there are settings that allow us to configure the build directory and drop location of the files. The build directory is a path in the build machine, and this does not really change. The drop location is a path where you want the files to be copied after a successful build. Depending on your development...
Resolve /temp/global.asax(1,0): error ASPPARSE: Could not load type- Team Build
I was trying to automate the build an ASP.Net MVC Web application using Team Build, and the build kept failing with this error:/temp/global.asax(1,0): error ASPPARSE: Could not load typeAfter taking a look at the build log, I was able to see that the error is generated right after a command to aspnet_compiler.exe is made. I also looked at the parameters, and I noticed that the path was incorrect....
Change Silverlight Business Application template to handle login state events
If you have created a Silverlight Application on Visual Studio 2010, you have probably used the Business Application template. The template already has implementation to wire the login and registration tasks for the application. The login state information however is encapsulated in the LoginStatus control, and the application does not have any wiring to handle those events. The MainPage...
Support Multiple Orientations - Windows Phone 7
If you worked on Windows Mobile before, you probably remember all the work that had to be done to support different orientations on your Windows Mobile application. You had to create different layouts/resources and detect the orientation change to load the corresponding layout. In Windows Phone7, this is much easier to handle.By default, Silverlight applications for Windows Phone 7 run in portrait...
Get Filename from Url Path - ASP Classic
The following VBScript function can be used in an ASP legacy application to extract the file name from a request.
public function GetFileName()
dim files, url, segments
'get then
current url from the server variables
url = Request.ServerVariables("path_info")
segments = split(url,"/")
How to add a social network share link on an Office Live website
With the popularity of social networks on the internet, it is recommended that a website provides users with the flexibility to share your website link to social networks. This is basically free marketing for your website. There are several free services that easily integrate with a website, and there is zero cost. In this blog, I discuss the use of the AddThis.com tool bar and how to integrate this...
WCF Secure Channel cannot be opened - Load Balancing with wsHttp Binding
When a WCF service generates the following error:Exception:
Secure channel cannot be opened because security negotiation with the remote endpoint has failed. This may be due to absent or incorrectly specified EndpointIdentity in the EndpointAddress used to create the channel. Please verify the EndpointIdentity specified or implied by the EndpointAddress correctly identifies the remote endpoint.