
SharePoint 2013 Adding Multiple Timelines Graph to a Project

When creating a SharePoint site using the project template a default timeline view is created. A timeline view provides the graph which shows tasks with dependencies on a timeline format.  The limitation with this template is that there is only one timeline view created, and we often find the need to create more than one. In this article, we take a look at how we can add additional timeline properties on a project site by using the SharePoint JavaScript Client Object Model (COM).


Find the List Folder URL

In order to add a new timeline view, we first need to find out the URL for the list folder properties.  This URL is needed to query for the list properties using JavaScript. The URL can be found by visiting Site Content->List Name->List Settings. This link should have this format:

The highlighted text is the information that we need to query the properties.

Script to load the list properties

Now that we have the folder name, we can move on to write the script that can help us query the properties information. We start by creating a JavaScript function which can let us define the request and then make a call to display the properties.  The goal here is to become familiar with the SharePoint Client Object Model (COM).

//usage:  findProperties('sitename/Lists/Tasks')
function findProperties(path) {
try {   
    var context = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
    var web = context.get_web();
    //build the request for folder and props
    var url = path;
    var folder = web.getFolderByServerRelativeUrl(url);
    var props = folder.get_properties();
    //server call to load the folder and properties
       context.executeQueryAsync(function () {
        var fields = props.get_fieldValues();
        for(var key in fields){
    }, onError);
} catch (ex) {

The function just makes the call and displays the results on the browser console. This can help us inspect the results and discover what property we need to clone. After looking at the results, we should find a property with the name of “Timeline_Timeline”.  This is the property that contains the metadata for the timeline graphs.

Script to clone a timeline view

Now that we know how to query the properties, we can focus on how to clone one. The goal is that we need to create additional timeline properties. This is what allows us to create additional graphs on the project.  In order to clone a property, we can leverage our first script to query the properties collection. The change now is that instead of just displaying the properties, we can fetch the property value and create a new one by calling set_item(newPropName, value) on the collection object and update the folder information. This is what adds a new property.

//usage:  cloneProperty('Timeline_Timeline', 'Timeline_Timeline2','sitename/Lists/Tasks', function(){},function(){})
function cloneProperty(propName, newPropName,path, onOk, onError) {
var context = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var web = context.get_web();
//build the request for folder and props
var url = path;
var folder = web.getFolderByServerRelativeUrl(url);
var props = folder.get_properties();
//server call to load the folder and properties
   context.executeQueryAsync(function () {
    var fields = props.get_fieldValues();
    var value = fields[propName];
    if (value) {
           props.set_item(newPropName, value);
        //server call to apply update
           context.executeQueryAsync(function () {
            var updatedFields = props.get_fieldValues();
        }, onError);
}, onError);
Simple way to use this script

This script can be loaded from a SharePoint page that includes the SP JavaScript files. The approach to do this is to edit the page and add the script editor web part to the page. This allows us to add embedded script and quickly test our JavaScript changes by reloading the page with the script and calling the functions using the browser console. For example, open the browser console and type:


We could also just add an HTML button and wire the onclick event to call our function.

<input type="button" value="Click to add timeline" onclick=" cloneProperty('Timeline_Timeline', 'Timeline_Timeline2','sitename/Lists/Tasks')"/>

That should add another timeline with the name Timeline_Timeline2

Validate that we have new timelines

After we run the script, we can now edit the default project plan page and edit the timeline webpart properties. On the timeline views, we should see a dropdown with the list of views that are available. Depending on the number of times that you clone a timeline, you should see that many entries.

Keep in mind that the selected view becomes the default timeline. This is important to know because when you add items to the timeline from the task lists, the items are added to the default timeline view.

Enjoy your multi-timeline SharePoint Project site.

Originally published by ozkary.com


Azure Web App Only Loads with WWW Prefix

When moving a website to Azure, we need to verify with Azure that we own the domain name. This verification process is done by adding a CNAME record on the DNS provider (i.e. enom, godaddy) that holds the domain name.  To verify the domain name, we usually add the following two records:

From Url
Target Url

After making those changes on the DNS providers, azure is then able to verify the site and approves the domain name into our configuration. At this point however, we are only able to load the web app by using www prefix (i.e. www.ozkary.com). When trying to browse the app entering just the domain name (ozkary.com not using www), we get an error from Azure indicating that the site is not configured properly.

To address this problem, we need to also add the domain name without the www prefix, but in order to add this on Azure, we also need to add the verify CNAME without the www prefix on the DNS provider.  In short, we also need to add the highlighted entry:

From Url
Target Url

We should notice there is no www part just the word awverify. We can now go back to Azure and add the domain name with the www prefix. We should see that Azure verifies the domain, and we should be able to load the web app with or without the www prefix.

Originally published by ozkary.com