
Data Engineering Process Fundamentals - Data Warehouse and Transformation Exercise

In this hands-on lab, we build upon our data engineering process where we previously focused on defining a data pipeline orchestration process. Now, we should focus on storing and making the data accessible for visualization and analysis. So far, our data is stored in a Data Lake, while Data Lakes excel at handling vast volumes of data, they are not optimized for query performance, so our step is to enable the bulk data processing and analytics by working on our Data Warehouse (DW).

During this exercise, we delve into the data warehouse design and implementation step, crafting robust data models, and designing transformation tasks. We explore how to efficiently load, cleanse, and merge data, ultimately creating dimension and fact tables. Additionally, we discuss areas like query performance, testability, and source control of our code, ensuring a reliable and scalable data solution. By leveraging incremental models, we continuously update our data warehouse with only the deltas (new updates), optimizing query performance and enhancing the overall data pipeline. By the end, we have a complete data pipeline, taking data from CSV to our data warehouse, equipped for seamless visualization and analysis.

Data Warehouse Design

A data warehouse is an OLAP system, which serves as the central data repository for historical and aggregated data. In contrast to the ETL process employed by data lakes with Python code, a data warehouse relies on the ETL process. This fundamental distinction emphasizes the need for well-defined and optimized models within the database, enabling efficient data access and exceptional performance.

👍 For the ETL process, the data is transformed before adding it to storage. For the ELT process, the data is first loaded in storage in its raw format, the transformation is then done before inserting into the dimension and fact tables.

Before building the concrete tables, our initial focus is on creating precise data models based on thorough analysis and specific requirements. To achieve this, we leverage SQL (Structured Query Language) and tools that facilitate model development in an automated, testable, and repeatable manner. By incorporating such tools into our project, we build the data services area in which we manage the data modeling and transformation to expand our architecture into the following:


👉 For our use case, we are using Google BigQuery as our data warehouse system. Make sure to review the Data Engineering Process - Design and Planning section and run the Terraform script to provision this resource.

External Tables

An external table is not physically hosted within the data warehouse database. Since our raw data is stored on a data lake, we can reference that location and load those files as an external table. we can create an external table using the data lake files as the source by providing a file pattern to select all the compressed files.

The following SQL can be executed as a query on the data warehouse. Access to the data lake should already be configured when the service accounts where assigned to the resources during the design and planning phase.

  format = 'CSV',
  uris = ['gs://ozkary_data_lake_ozkary-de-101/turnstile/*.csv.gz']  

When this SQL script is executed, and the external table is created, the data warehouse retrieves the metadata about the external data, such as the schema, column names, and data types, without actually moving the data into the data warehouse storage. Once the external table is created, we can query the data using SQL as if it were a regular table.

Design and Architecture

During the design and architecture stage of our data warehouse project, our primary objective is to transition from conceptual ideas to concrete designs. Here, we make pivotal technical choices that pave the way for building the essential resources and defining our data warehouse approach.

Star Schema

We start by selecting the Star Schema model. This model consist of a central fact table that is connected to multiple dimension tables via foreign key relationships. The fact table contains the measures or metrics, while the dimension tables hold descriptive attributes.


For the infrastructure, we are using a cloud hosted OLAP system, Google BigQuery. This is a system that can handle petabytes of data. It also provides MPP (Massive Parallel Processing), built-in indexing and caching, which improves query performance and reduce compute by caching query results. The serverless architecture of these systems help us on reducing cost. Because the system is managed by the cloud provider, we can focus on the data analysis instead of infrastructure management.

Technology Stack

For the technology stack, we are using a SQL-centric approach. We want to be able to manage our models and transformation tasks within the memory context and processing power of the database, which tends to work best for large datasets and faster processing. In addition, this approach works well with a batch processing approach.

dbt (data build tool) is a SQL-centric framework which at its core is primarily focused on transforming data using SQL-based queries. It allows us to define data models and transformation logic using SQL and Jinja, a templating language with data transformation capabilities, such as loops, conditionals, and macros, within our SQL code. This framework enables us to build the actual data models as views, tables and SQL based transformation that are hosted on the data warehouse.

As we build code for our data model and transformation tasks, we need to track it, manage the different versions and automate the deployments to our database. To manage this, we use GitHub, which is a web-based platform that provides version control and collaborative features for software development and management. It also provides CI/CD capabilities to help us execute test plans, build releases and deploy them. dbt connects with GitHub to manage deployments. This enables the dbt orchestration features to run the latest code as part of the pipeline.

👍 A deployment consists of getting the latest model metadata, build it on the database, and run the incremental data tasks when new data is available in the data lake.

Data Warehouse Implementation

The data warehouse implementation is the stage where the conceptual data model and design plans are transformed into a functional system by implementing the data models and writing the code for our transformation tasks.

Data Modeling

Data modeling is the implementation of the structure of the data warehouse, creating models (views) and entities (tables), defining attributes (columns), and establishing data relationships to ensure efficient querying and reporting. It is also important to identify the primary keys, foreign keys, and indexes to improve data retrieval performance.

To build our models, we should follow these specifications:

  • Create an external table using the Data Lake folder and *.csv.gz file pattern as a source
    • ext_turnstile
  • Create the staging models
    • Create the station view (stg_station) from the external table as source
      • Get the unique stations
      • Create a surrogate key using the station name
    • Create the booth view (stg_booth) from the external table as source
      • Create a surrogate key using the booth UNIT and CA fields
    • Create the fact view (stg_turnstile) from the external table as source
      • Create a surrogate key using CA, UNIT, SCP, DATE, time

Data Transformation

The data transformation phase is a critical stage in a data warehouse project. This phase involves several key steps, including data extraction, cleaning, loading, data type casting, use naming conventions, and implementing incremental loads to continuously insert the new information since the last update via batch processes.

For our transformation services, we follow these specifications:

  • Use the staging models to build the physical models
    • Map all the columns to our naming conventions, lowercase and underline between words
    • Create the station dimension table (dim_station) from the stg_station model
      • Add incremental strategy for ongoing new data
    • Create the booth dimension table (dim_booth) from the stg_booth model
      • Add incremental strategy for ongoing new data
      • Use the station_name to get the foreign key, station_id
      • Cluster the table by station_id
    • Create the fact table (fact_turnstile) from the stg_turnstile model
      • Add incremental strategy for ongoing new data
      • Partition the table by created_dt and use day granularity
      • Cluster the table by station_id
      • Join on dimension tables to use id references instead of text
  • Remove rows with null values for the required fields
    • Station, CA, UNIT, SCP, DATE, TIME
  • Cast columns to the correct data types
    • created
  • Continuously run all the model with an incremental strategy to append new records

Our physical data model should look like this:


Why do we use partitions and cluster

👍 We should always review the technical specifications of the database system to find out what other best practices are recommended to improve performance.

  • Partitioning is the process of dividing a large table into smaller, more manageable parts based on the specified column. Each partition contains rows that share a common value like a specific date. A partition improves performance and query cost

  • When we run a query in BigQuery, it gets executed by a distributed computing infrastructure that spans multiple machines. Clustering is an optional feature in BigQuery that allows us to organize the data within each partition. The purpose of clustering is to physically arrange data within a partition in a way that is conducive to efficient query processing

SQL Server and Big Query Concept Comparison

  • In SQL Server, a clustered index defines the physical order of data in a table. In BigQuery, clustering refers to the organization of data within partitions based on one or more columns. Clustering in BigQuery does not impact the physical storage order like a clustered index in SQL Server

  • Both SQL Server and BigQuery support table partitioning. The purpose is similar, allowing for better data management and performance optimization

Install System Requirements and Frameworks

Before looking at the code, we need to setup our environment with all the necessary dependencies, so we can build our models.


👉 Verify that there are files on the data lake. If not, run the data pipeline process to download the files into the data lake.

👉 Clone this repo or copy the files from this folder, dbt and sql.

  • Must have CSV files in the data lake
  • Create a dbt cloud account
    • Link dbt with your GitHub project (Not needed when running locally)
    • Create schedule job on dbt cloud for every Saturday 9am
    • Or install locally (VM) and run from CLI
  • GitHub account
  • Google BigQuery resource

Configure the CLI

Install dbt core and BigQuery dependencies

Run these command from the Step4-Data-Warehouse/dbt folder to install the dependencies and initialize the project.

$ cd Step4-Data-Warehouse/dbt
$ pip install dbt-core dbt-bigquery  
$ dbt init
$ dbt deps
Create a profile file

From the Step4-Data-Warehouse folder, run the following commands.

$ cd ~
$ mkdir .dbt
$ cd .dbt
$ touch profiles.yml
$ nano profiles.yml
  • Paste the profiles file content

👉 Use your dbt cloud project project information and cloud key file

  • Run this command see the project folder configuration location
$ dbt debug --config-dir
  • Update the content of the file to match your project information
      dataset: mta_data
      job_execution_timeout_seconds: 300
      job_retries: 1
      keyfile: /home/.gcp/your-file.json
      location: us-east1
      method: service-account
      priority: interactive
      project: your-gcp-project
      threads: 2
      type: bigquery
  target: dev
Validate the project configuration

This should generate a list of all the assets that should be generated in the project including the constraints.

$ dbt list --profile Analytics

Review the Code

With a dev environment ready and clear specifications about how to build the models and our transformations, we can now look at the code and review the approach. We can use Visual Studio Code or a similar tool to edit the source code and open a terminal to run the CLI commands.

Start by navigating to the dbt project folder.

$ cd Step4-Data-Warehouse/dbt

Project tree:

- dbt
  ├─ models
  │   │
  │   ├─ core
  │   │   ├─ schema.yml
  │   │   ├─ dim_booth.sql
  │   │   ├─ dim_station.sql
  │   │   ├─ fact_turnstile.sql
  │   │   └─ ...
  │   ├─ staging
  │   │   ├─ schema_*.yml
  │   │   ├─ stg_booth.sql
  │   │   ├─ stg_station.sql
  │   │   ├─ stg_turnstile.sql
  │   │   └─ ...  
  │   ├─ target
  │   │   ├─ compile
  │   │   ├─ run
  │   │   └─ ...  
  └─ dbt_project.yml

The dbt folder contains the SQL-based source code. The staging folder contains the view definitions. The core folder contains the table definitions. The schema files in those folders have test rules and data constraints that are used to validate the models. This is how we are able to test our models.

The schema.yml files are used as configurations to define the schema of the final output of the models. It provides the ability to explicitly specify the column names, data types, and other properties of the resulting table created by each dbt model. This file allows dbt to generate the appropriate SQL statements for creating or altering tables in the target data warehouse.

👍 All these files are executed using the dbt CLI. The files are compiled into SQL statements that are deployed to the database or just executed in memory to run the test, validation and insert scripts. The compiled SQL is stored in the target folder and these are assets deployed to the database. The transformation tasks are compiled into the run folder and are only executed on the database.


Data lineage is the documentation and tracking of the flow of data from its origin to its destination, including all the intermediate processes and transformations that it undergoes. In this case, we show how the external table is the source for the fact table and the dimension table dependencies.


Staging Data Models - Views

We use the view strategy to build our staging models. When these files are executed (via CLI commands), the SQL DDL (Data Definition Language) is generated and deployed to the database, essentially building the views. We also add a test parameter to limit the number of rows to 100 during the development process only. This is removed when it is deployed. Notice how the Jinja directives are in double brackets {{}} and handle some conditional logic and directives to configure the build process or call user defined functions.

👍 DDL (Data Definition Language) is used to create objects. DML (Data Manipulation Language) is used to query the data.

  • stg_station.sql
{{ config(materialized='view') }}

with stations as 
    row_number() over(partition by Station) as rn
  from {{ source('staging','ext_turnstile') }}   
  where Station is not null
    -- create a unique key based on the station name
    {{ dbt_utils.generate_surrogate_key(['Station']) }} as station_id,    
    Station as station_name
from stations
where rn = 1

-- use is_test_run false to disable the test limit
-- dbt build --m <model.sql> --var 'is_test_run: false'
{% if var('is_test_run', default=true) %}
  limit 100
{% endif %}
  • stg_booth.sql
{{ config(materialized='view') }}

with booths as 
    row_number() over(partition by UNIT, CA) as rn
  from {{ source('staging','ext_turnstile') }}   
  where Unit is not null and CA is not null and Station is not null
    -- create a unique key 
    {{ dbt_utils.generate_surrogate_key(['UNIT', 'CA']) }} as booth_id,
    UNIT as remote,
    CA as booth_name,
    Station as station_name
from booths
where rn = 1

-- dbt build --m <model.sql> --var 'is_test_run: false'
{% if var('is_test_run', default=true) %}

  limit 100

{% endif %}
  • stg_turnstile.sql

{{ config(materialized='view') }}

with turnstile as 
  concat(CA,UNIT,SCP) as REF,
  concat(log.DATE," ", log.TIME) as CREATED,
    row_number() over(partition by CA, UNIT, SCP, DATE, TIME) as rn
  from {{ source('staging','ext_turnstile') }} as log
  where Station is not null and DATE is not null and TIME is not null

    -- create a unique key 
    {{ dbt_utils.generate_surrogate_key(['REF', 'CREATED']) }} as log_id,
    CA as booth,
    UNIT as remote,
    STATION as station,

    -- unit and line information
    SCP as scp,
    LINENAME AS line_name,
    DIVISION AS division,

     -- timestamp
    cast(CREATED as timestamp) as created_dt,    

    -- measures
    cast(entries as integer) as entries,
    cast(exits as integer) as exits    
from turnstile
where rn = 1

-- dbt build --m <model.sql> --var 'is_test_run: false'
{% if var('is_test_run', default=true) %}
  limit 100
{% endif %}

Physical Data Models - Tables

We use the incremental strategy to build our tables. This enable us to continuously append data to our tables when there is new information. This strategy creates both DDL and DML scripts. This enable us to build the tables and also create the scripts to merge the new data in the table.

We use the models (views) to build the actual tables. When these scripts are executed (via CLI commands), the process checks if the object exists, if it does not exists, it creates it. It then reads the data from the views using CTE (common table expressions) and appends all the records that are not already in the table.

  • dim_station.sql

{{ config(materialized='incremental') }}

with stations as (
from {{ ref('stg_station') }} as d
where station_id is not null
from stations ns
{% if is_incremental() %}
     -- logic for incremental models this = dim_station table
    left outer join {{ this }} dim
        on ns.station_id = dim.station_id
    where dim.station_id is null     

 {% endif %}
  • dim_booth.sql

{{ config(materialized='incremental',
   cluster_by = "station_id"

with booth as (
from {{ ref('stg_booth') }}
where booth_id is not null 

dim_station as (
    select station_id, station_name from {{ ref('dim_station') }}   
from booth b 
inner join dim_station st 
    on b.station_name = st.station_name
{% if is_incremental() %}
     -- logic for incremental models this = dim_booth table
    left outer join {{ this }} s
        on b.booth_id = s.booth_id
    where s.booth_id is null     
 {% endif %}
  • fact_turnstile.sql

{{ config(materialized='incremental',
      "field": "created_dt",
      "data_type": "timestamp",
      "granularity": "day"
    cluster_by = "station_id") 

with turnstile as (
    from {{ ref('stg_turnstile') }}
    where log_id is not null

dim_station as (
    select station_id, station_name from {{ ref('dim_station') }}   

dim_booth as (
    select booth_id, remote, booth_name  from {{ ref('dim_booth') }}   
from turnstile as log
left join dim_station as st
   on log.station = st.station_name
left join dim_booth as booth
on log.remote = booth.remote and log.booth = booth.booth_name 
{% if is_incremental() %}
     -- logic for incremental models this = fact_turnstile table
    left outer join {{ this }} fact
        on log.log_id = fact.log_id
    where fact.log_id is null     

 {% endif %}
  • schema.yml
version: 2

  - name: dim_station
    description: >
      List of unique stations identify by station_id.       
          - name: station_id
            description: The station identifier            
                - unique:
                    severity: warn
                - not_null:
                    severity: warn
          - name: station_name
            description: the station name
                - not_null:
                    severity: warn

  - name: dim_booth
    description: >
      List of unique booth identify by booth_id.  
          - name: booth_id
            description: The booth identifier            
                - unique:
                    severity: warn
                - not_null:
                    severity: warn
          - name: remote
            description: the remote gate name
                - not_null:
                    severity: warn
          - name: booth_name
            description: the station booth
                - not_null:
                    severity: warn
          - name: station_id
            description: the station id
                - relationships:
                  to: ref('dim_station')
                  field: station_id
                  severity: warn              
  - name: fact_turnstile
    description: >
     Represents the daily entries and exits associated to booths in subway stations
          - name: log_id
            description: Primary key for this table, generated with a concatenation CA, SCP,UNIT, STATION CREATED            
                - unique:
                    severity: warn
                - not_null:
                    severity: warn
          - name: booth_id
            description: foreign key to the booth dimension            
               - relationships:
                  to: ref('dim_booth')
                  field: booth_id
                  severity: warn
          - name: station_id          
            description:  The foreign key to the station dimension            
               - relationships:
                  to: ref('dim_station')
                  field: station_id
                  severity: warn
          - name: scp
            description: The device address
          - name: line_name
            description: The subway line
          - name: division
            description: The subway division          
          - name: created_dt
            description: The date time for the activity
                - not_null:
                    severity: warn
          - name: entries
            description: The number of entries
                - not_null:
                    severity: warn
          - name: exits
            description: the number of exits 
                - not_null:
                    severity: warn

Incremental Models

In dbt, an incremental model uses a merge operation to update a data warehouse's tables incrementally rather than performing a full reload of the data each time. This approach is particularly useful when dealing with large datasets and when the source data has frequent updates or inserts. Incremental models help optimize data processing and reduce the amount of data that needs to be processed during each run, resulting in faster data updates.

  • SQL merge query for the station dimension table (generated code)

merge into `ozkary-de-101`.`mta_data`.`dim_station` as DBT_INTERNAL_DEST
using (

  with stations as (
  from `ozkary-de-101`.`mta_data`.`stg_station` as d
  from stations ns
  -- logic for incremental models
  left outer join `ozkary-de-101`.`mta_data`.`dim_station` s
      on ns.station_id = s.station_id
  where s.station_id is null     
    on (FALSE)  
when not matched then insert
    (`station_id`, `station_name`)
    (`station_id`, `station_name`)
  • SQL merge query for the fact table (generated code)
merge into `ozkary-de-101`.`mta_data`.`fact_turnstile` as DBT_INTERNAL_DEST
using (

    with turnstile as (
        from `ozkary-de-101`.`mta_data`.`stg_turnstile`
        where log_id is not null

    dim_station as (
        select station_id, station_name from `ozkary-de-101`.`mta_data`.`dim_station`   

    dim_booth as (
        select booth_id, remote, booth_name  from `ozkary-de-101`.`mta_data`.`dim_booth`   
    from turnstile as log
    left join dim_station as st
      on log.station = st.station_name
    left join dim_booth as booth
    on log.remote = booth.remote and log.booth = booth.booth_name 

    -- logic for incremental models this = fact_turnstile table
    left outer join `ozkary-de-101`.`mta_data`.`fact_turnstile` fact
        on log.log_id = fact.log_id
    where fact.log_id is null     

    on (FALSE)
    when not matched then insert
        (`log_id`, `station_id`, `booth_id`, `scp`, `line_name`, `division`, `created_dt`, `entries`, `exits`)
        (`log_id`, `station_id`, `booth_id`, `scp`, `line_name`, `division`, `created_dt`, `entries`, `exits`)

How to Run It

We are ready to see this in action. We first need to build the data models on our database by running the following steps:

Validate the project

Debug the project to make sure there are no compilation errors.

$ dbt debug

Run the test cases

All test should pass.

$ dbt test


Build the models

Set the test run variable to false. This allows for the full dataset to be created without limiting the rows.

$ cd Step4-Data-Warehouse/dbt
$ dbt build --select stg_booth.sql --var 'is_test_run: false'
$ dbt build --select stg_station.sql --var 'is_test_run: false'
$ dbt build --select stg_turnstile.sql --var 'is_test_run: false'

$ dbt build --select dim_booth.sql 
$ dbt build --select dim_station.sql 
$ dbt build --select fact_turnstile.sql

After running these command, the following resources should be in the data warehouse:


👍 The build command is responsible for compiling, generating and deploying the SQL code for our dbt project, while the run command executes that SQL code against your data warehouse to update the data. Typically, we would run dbt build first to compile the project, and then run dbt run to execute the compiled code against the database.

Generate documentation

Run generate to create the documentation. We can then run serve to view the documentation on the browser.

$ dbt docs generate
$ dbt docs serve

The entire project is documented. The image below shows the documentation for the fact table with the lineage graph showing how it was built.


Manually test the incremental updates

We can run our updates on demand by using the CLI. To be able to run the updates. We should first run the data pipeline and import a new CSV file into the data lake. We can then run our updates as follows:

$ cd Step4-Data-Warehouse/dbt
$ dbt run --model dim_booth.sql 
$ dbt run --model dim_station.sql 
$ dbt run --model fact_turnstile.sql

We should notice that we are "running" the model, which only runs the incremental (merge) updates.

Schedule the job

Login to dbt cloud and set this scheduled job:

  • On dbt Cloud setup the dbt schedule job to run every Saturday at 9am
  • Use the production environment
  • Use the following command
$ dbt run --model fact_turnstile.sql

After running the cloud job, the log should show the following information with the number of rows affected.


👍 There should be files on the data lake for the job to insert any new records.

Manually Query the data lake for new data

To test the for new records, we can manually run this query on the database.

with turnstile as (
    from mta_data.stg_turnstile
from turnstile as log
-- logic for incremental models find new rows that are not in the fact table
left outer join mta_data.fact_turnstile fact
    on log.log_id = fact.log_id
where fact.log_id is null

Validate the data

To validate the number of records in our database, we can run these queries:

-- check station dimension table
select count(*) from mta_data.dim_station;

-- check booth dimension table
select count(*) from mta_data.dim_booth;

-- check the fact table
select count(*) from mta_data.fact_turnstile;

-- check the staging fact data
select count(*) from mta_data.stg_turnstile;

After following all these instructions, we should see data in our data warehouse, which closes the loop on the entire data pipeline for data ingestion from a CSV file to our data warehouse. We should also note that we could have done this process using a Python-Centric approach with Apache Spark, and we will discuss that in a later section.


During this data warehouse exercise, we delve into the design and implementation step, crafting robust data models, and designing transformation tasks. Carefully selecting a star schema design and utilizing BigQuery as our OLAP system, we optimize performance and handle large datasets efficiently. Leveraging SQL for coding and a SQL-Centric framework, we ensure seamless data modeling and transformation. We use GitHub for our source code management and CI/CD tool integration, so the latest changes can be built and deployed. Thorough documentation and automated data transformations underscore our commitment to data governance and streamlined operations. The result is a resilient and future-ready data warehouse capable of meeting diverse analytical needs.

Next Step

With our data warehouse design and implementation complete, we have laid a solid foundation to unleash the full potential of our data. Now, we venture into the realm of data analysis and visualization, where we can leverage powerful tools like Power BI and Looker to transform raw data into actionable insights.

Coming Soon!

👉 [Data Engineering Process Fundamentals - Data Analysis and Visualization]

Thanks for reading.

Send question or comment at Twitter @ozkary

👍 Originally published by ozkary.com


Data Engineering Process Fundamentals - Data Warehouse and Transformation

After completing the pipeline and orchestration phase in the data engineering process, our pipeline should be fully operational and loading data into our data lake. The compressed CSV files in our data lake, even though is optimized for storage, are not designed for easy access for analysis and visualization tools. Therefore, we should transition into moving the data from the files into a data warehouse, so we can facilitate the access for the analysis process.

The process to send the data into a data warehouse requires a few essential design activities before we can migrate the data into tables. Like any process before any implementation is done, we need to first work on defining the database system and schema, identifying the programming language, frameworks, tools to use for CI/CD requirements, and supporting requirements to keep our data warehouse operational.

Once the data warehouse design is in place, we can then transition into the implementation stage of the process where we can transition from concepts into concrete structures, including dimension and fact tables, while also defining the data transformation tasks to process the data into the data warehouse.

To get a better understanding about the data warehouse process, let's first do a refresh on some important concepts related to data warehouse systems. As we cover these concepts, we can then relate them to some of the necessary activities that we need to take on to deliver a solution that can scale according to our data demands.


OLAP vs OLTP Database Systems

An Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) and an Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) are two different types of database systems with distinct purposes and characteristics:


  • It is designed for complex analytical queries and data analysis
  • It is optimized for read-heavy workloads and aggregates large volumes of data to support business intelligence (BI), reporting, and data analysis.
  • These databases store historical data and facilitate data exploration, trend analysis, and decision-making
  • Data is typically denormalized and organized in a multidimensional structure like a star schema or snowflake schema to enable efficient querying and aggregation.
  • Some examples include data warehouses and analytical databases like Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, and Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics.


  • It is designed for transactional processing and handling frequent, real-time, and high-throughput transactions
  • It focuses on transactional operations like inserting, updating, and deleting individual records
  • Databases are typically normalized to minimize redundancy and ensure data integrity during frequent transactions
  • The data is organized in a relational structure and optimized for read and write operations
  • Some examples include traditional relational databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle

👍 OLAP databases (e.g., BigQuery) are used for analytical processing. OLTP databases (e.g., SQL Server) are used for transaction processing

In summary, OLAP and OLTP serve different purposes in the database world. OLAP databases are used for analytical processing, supporting complex queries and data analysis, while OLTP databases are used for transaction processing, managing high-frequency and real-time transactional operations. Depending on the needs of the solution, we would choose the appropriate type of database system to achieve the desired performance and functionality. In our case, an OLAP system aligns what the requirements for our solution.

What is a Data Warehouse

A Data Warehouse is an OLAP system, which serves as the central data repository for historical and aggregated data. A data warehouse is designed to support complex analytical queries, reporting, and data analysis for Big Data use cases. It typically adopts a denormalized entity structure, such as a star schema or snowflake schema, to facilitate efficient querying and aggregations. Data from various OLTP sources is extracted, loaded and transformed (ELT) into the data warehouse to enable analytics and business intelligence. The data warehouse acts as a single source of truth for business users to obtain insights from historical data.



An extract, load and transform (ELT) process differs from the extract, transform and load (ETL) process on the data transformation approach. For some solutions, a flow task may transform (ETL) the data prior to loading it into storage, so it can then be inserted into the data warehouse directly. This approach increases the amount of python code and hardware resources used by the VM environments.

For the ELT process, the transformation may be done using SQL (Structured Query Language) code and the data warehouse resources, which often tends to perform great for Big Data scenarios. This is usually done by defining the data model with views over some external tables and running the transformation using SQL for bulk data processing. In our case, we can use the data lake as external tables and use the power of the data warehouse to read and transform the data, which aligns with the ELT approach as the data is first loaded in the data lake.

👍 For the ETL process, the data is transformed before adding to storage. For the ELT process, the data is first loaded in storage in raw format, the transformation is then done before inserting into the dimension and fact tables.

External Tables

An external table in the context of a data warehouse refers to a table that is not physically stored within the data warehouse's database but instead references data residing in an external storage location. The data in an external table can be located in cloud storage (e.g., Azure Blob Storage, AWS S3) or on-premises storage. When querying an external table, the data warehouse's query engine accesses the data in the external location on-the-fly without physically moving or copying it into the data warehouse's database.

Advantages of using external tables in a data warehouse include:

  • Cost Savings: External tables allow us to store data in cost-effective storage solutions like cloud object storage
  • Data Separation: By keeping the data external to the data warehouse, we can maintain a clear separation between compute and storage. We can scale them independently, optimizing costs and performance
  • Data Freshness: External tables provide real-time access to data, as changes made to the external data source are immediately reflected when queried. There's no need for raw data ingestion processes to load the data into the data warehouse.
  • Data Variety and Integration: You can have external tables referencing data in various formats (e.g., CSV, Parquet, JSON), enabling seamless integration of diverse data sources without the need for complex data transformations
  • Data Archiving and Historical Analysis: External tables allow you to store historical data in an external location, reducing the data warehouse's storage requirements. You can keep archived data accessible without impacting the performance of the main data warehouse.
  • Rapid Onboarding: Setting up external tables is often quicker and more straightforward than traditional data ingestion processes. This allows for faster onboarding of new data sources into the data warehouse.
  • Reduced ETL Complexity: External tables can reduce the need for complex ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes as the data doesn't need to be physically moved or transformed before querying.

Data Mart

Depending on the use case, the analytical tools can connect directly to the data warehouse for data analysis and reporting. In other scenarios, it may be better to create a data mart, which is a smaller, focused subset of a data warehouse that is designed to serve the needs of a specific business unit within an organization. The data mart stores its data in separate storage.

There are two main types of data marts:

  • Dependent Data Mart: This type of data mart is derived directly from the data warehouse. It extracts and transforms data from the centralized data warehouse and optimizes it for a specific business unit.
  • Independent Data Mart: An independent data mart is created separately from the data warehouse, often using its own ELT processes to extract and transform data from the source systems. It is not directly connected to the data warehouse

By providing a more focused view of the data, data marts enable faster and more efficient decision-making within targeted business areas.

Data Warehouse Design and Architecture

During the design and architecture stage of our data warehouse project, our primary objective is to transition from conceptual ideas to concrete designs. With a clear understanding of the business requirements, data sources and their update frequencies, we can move forward with the design of the data warehouse architecture. To start, we need to define the data warehouse models such as star schema, snowflake schema, or hybrid models based on data relationships and query patterns. We should also determine the infrastructure and technology stack for the data warehouse, considering factors like data volume, frequency of updates, and query performance requirements, source control, and CI/CD activities.

Schema Design

The Star and Snowflake Schemas are two common data warehouse modeling techniques. The Star Schema consist of a central fact table is connected to multiple dimension tables via foreign key relationships. The fact table contains the measures or metrics, while the dimension tables hold descriptive attributes. The Snowflake Schema is a variation of the Star Schema, but with normalized dimension tables. This means that dimension tables are further divided into multiple related tables, reducing data redundancy, but increasing SQL joins.

Star Schema Pros and Cons

  • Simplicity: The Star Schema is straightforward and easy to understand, making it user-friendly for both data engineers and business analysts
  • Performance: Star Schema typically delivers faster query performance because it denormalizes data, reducing the number of joins required to retrieve data
  • Data Redundancy: Due to denormalization, there might be some data redundancy in dimension tables, which can lead to increased storage requirements
  • Maintenance: The Star Schema is relatively easier to maintain and modify since changes in dimension tables don't affect the fact table

Snowflake Schema Pros and Cons

  • Normalization: The Snowflake Schema reduces data redundancy and optimizes storage by normalizing dimension data
  • Complexity: Compared to the Star Schema, the Snowflake Schema is more complex due to the presence of multiple normalized dimension tables
  • Performance: Snowflake Schema require more joins, which can impact query performance compared to the Star Schema. However, modern data warehouses are optimized for handling Snowflake Schema efficiently
  • Maintenance: The Snowflake Schema might be slightly more challenging to maintain and modify due to the normalized structure and the need for more joins

In summary. we can use the Star Schema when query performance is a primary concern, and data model simplicity is essential. Use the Snowflake Schema when storage optimization is crucial, and the data model involves high-cardinality dimension attributes with potential data redundancy.


Cloud based OLAP systems like Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, and Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics are built to scale with growing data volumes. They can handle petabytes of data, making them a great fit for Big Data scenarios. These systems also support MPP (Massive Parallel Processing), built-in indexing and caching, which improves query performance and reduce compute by caching query results. The serverless architecture of these systems help us on reducing cost. Because the system is managed by the cloud provider, we can focus on the data analysis instead of infrastructure management.

OLAP systems also provides data governance by providing a structured and controlled environment for managing data, ensuring data quality, enforcing security, access controls, and promoting consistency and trust in the data across the organization. These systems also implement robust security measures to protect the data, auditing capabilities for tracking data lineage and changes, which are crucial for compliance requirements.

In all, OLAP systems are well-equipped to handle big data scenarios, offering scalability, high-performance querying, cost-effectiveness, and data governance, which is a critical business requirement.

Technology Stack

When it comes to the technology stack, we have to decide on what programming language, frameworks and platforms to use for our solution. For example, Python is a suitable functional programming language with an extensive ecosystem of libraries for data modeling and transformation. But when using Python, we need to parse the CSV files, models and transform the data in memory, so it can be sent to the database. This tends to increase the amount of Python code, Docker containers, VM resources, and overall DevOps activities.

Within the memory context and processing power of the data warehouse, we could use SQL to create the models and run the transformation, which tends to work best for large datasets and faster processing. Due to the nature of the data lake, the CSV files can be modeled as external tables within the data warehouse. SQL can then be used to create models using views to enforce the data types. In addition, the transformation can be done right in the database using SQL statements with batch queries, which tends to perform a lot better than using Python.


Frameworks provide libraries to handle specific technical concerns. In the case of a Python-centric solution, we can use the Pandas library, which is an open-source data manipulation, cleaning, transformation and analysis library widely use by data engineers and scientists. Pandas supports a DataFrame-based modeling and transformation. A DataFrame is a two-dimensional table-like data structure. It can hold data with different data types and allows us to perform various operations like filtering, grouping, joining, and aggregating. Pandas offers functions for handling missing data, removing duplicates, and converting data types, making data cleaning tasks easier.

There are also frameworks that consist of generating SQL code to build the models and process the transformation. dbt (data build tool) is a SQL-centric framework which at its core is primarily focused on transforming data using SQL-based queries. It allows us to define data transformation logic using SQL and Jinja, a templating language with data transformation capabilities, such as loops, conditionals, and macros, within our SQL code. dbt enables us to build the actual data models as views, entities (tables) and SQL based transformation that are hosted on the data warehouse.

Apache Spark Platform

Apache Spark is a widely used open-source distributed computing system designed for big data processing and analytics. It provides a fast, scalable, and versatile platform for handling large-scale data workloads. While it can be used for data modeling and transformation, it serves a broader range of use cases, including batch processing, real-time processing and machine learning. There are many popular cloud platforms that use Spark as their core engine. Some of them include: Databricks, Azure Synapse Analytics, Google Dataproc, Amazon EMR.

Spark supports multiple programming languages like Scala, Python, SQL. Since Spark requires a runtime environment to manage the execution of a task, the programming model is very similar to running applications on a VM. The Spark application connects to a Spark cluster to create a session, and it can then perform data processing and run Spark SQL queries. Let's look at what a Python and SQL application looks like with Spark.

Data Modeling and Transformation with PySpark and SQL:

The next example (for both Python and SQL) show us how to create a Spark session. It then joins two data frames by using the station_id as the related column. Lastly, it selects and displays the result of the query.

  • PySpark: PySpark provides a high-level API for Spark, allowing us to write Spark applications using Python. It exposes the core Spark functionalities and supports DataFrame and Dataset APIs for working with structured data. PySpark is popular among data engineers and data scientists.

PySpark Code Sample:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

# Assuming you already have the two DataFrames `dim_station` and `fact_turnstile`

# Create a SparkSession (if not already created)
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("JoinEntities").getOrCreate()

# Join the two DataFrames on the 'station_id' column
joined_df = fact_turnstile.join(dim_station, on="station_id")

# Select the desired columns
result_df = joined_df.select("station_name", "created_datetime", "entries", "exits")

# Show the result
  • SQL: Spark includes a SQL module that allows us to run SQL queries directly on data. This makes it convenient for those familiar with SQL to leverage their SQL skills to perform data modeling and transformation tasks using Spark.

PySpark and SQL Code Sample:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

# Assuming you already have the two DataFrames `dim_station` and `fact_turnstile`

# Create a SparkSession (if not already created)
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("JoinEntities").getOrCreate()

# Register the DataFrames as temporary views

# Write the SQL query for joining and selecting the desired columns
sql_query = """
SELECT s.station_name, t.created, t.entries, t.exits
FROM fact_turnstile_view t
JOIN dim_station_view s ON t.station_id = s.station_id

# Execute the SQL query
result_df = spark.sql(sql_query)

# Show the result
Sample Output
station_name created entries exits
Central Station 2023-02-13 12:00:00 10000 5000
Times Square 2023-02-13 12:10:00 8000 3000
Union Square 2023-02-13 12:20:00 12000 7000
Grand Central 2023-02-13 12:30:00 9000 4000
Penn Station 2023-02-13 12:40:00 11000 6000

By supporting multiple languages like PySpark and SQL, Apache Spark caters to a broader audience, making it easier for developers, data engineers, and data scientists to leverage its capabilities effectively. Apache Spark provides a unified and flexible platform for data modeling and transformation at scale.

Source Control and CI/CD

As we build code for our data model and transformation tasks, we need to track it, manage the different versions and automate the deployments to our data warehouse. Storing the source code on systems like GitHub offers several benefits that enhance governance, version control, collaboration, and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) on a data engineering project. Some of these benefits include:

  • Governance and Version Control for Data Models: GitHub provides version control, ensuring that all changes to data models are tracked, audited, and properly managed, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and business standards

  • CI/CD for Data Transformation: CI/CD pipelines ensure that changes to data transformation code are thoroughly tested and safely deployed, reducing errors and improving data accuracy

  • Collaboration and Teamwork on Data Assets: GitHub's collaborative features enable data engineers and analysts to work together on data models and transformations code

  • Reusability and Flexibility in Data Transformation: Storing data transformation code on GitHub promotes the reuse of code snippets and best practices across the data warehouse solution

  • Disaster Recovery and Redundancy: GitHub acts as a secure backup for data transformation logic, ensuring redundancy and disaster recovery capabilities. In case of any issues, the data transformation code can be restored, minimizing downtime and data inconsistencies

In the context of a data warehouse solution, using GitHub, or similar systems, as a version control system for managing data models and transformation assets brings numerous advantages that improve governance, collaboration, and code quality. It ensures that the data warehouse solution remains agile, reliable, and capable of adapting to changes in business requirements and data sources.

Data Warehouse Implementation

The data warehouse implementation is the stage where the conceptual data model and design plans are transformed into a functional system. During this critical phase, data engineers and architects convert the abstract data model into concrete structures, including dimension and fact tables, while also defining the data transformation tasks to cleanse, integrate, and load data into the data warehouse. This implementation process lays the foundation for data accessibility, efficiency, and accuracy, ensuring that the data warehouse becomes a reliable and valuable source of insights for analytical purposes.

Data Modeling

Data modeling is the implementation of the structure of the data warehouse, creating models (views) and entities (tables), defining attributes (columns), and establishing data relationships to ensure efficient querying and reporting. It is also important to identify the primary keys, foreign keys, and indexes to improve data retrieval performance. This is also the area where data needs to be normalize or denormalized data based on query patterns and analytical needs.

When using the Star Schema model, we need to carefully understand the data, so we can identify the dimensions and fact tables that need to be created. Dimension tables represent descriptive attributes or context data (e.g., train stations, commuters), while fact tables contain quantitative data or measures (e.g., number of stations or passengers). Dimensions are used for slicing data, providing business context to the measures, whereas fact tables store numeric data that can be aggregated to derive KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).

To help us define the data models, we can follow these simple rules:

  • Dimensions: Dimensions are textual, and categorical attributes that describe business entities. They are often discrete and used for grouping, filtering, and organizing data.

  • Fact Tables: Fact tables contain numeric data that can be aggregated. They hold the measurable data and are related to dimensions through foreign keys.

  • Measures: Measures are the quantitative values that are subject to calculations such as sum, average, minimum, maximum, etc. They represent the KPIs that organizations want to track and analyze.

  • ERD: Create a Entity Relationship Diagram to visualize the models and their relationships

👍 Simple Star Schema ERD with dimension and fact tables


For reporting and dashboards, additional models can be created to accelerate the data analysis process. This is usually done to create common queries and abstract the join complexity with SQL views. Alternative, data scientist can choose to connect directly to the entities and create their data models using their analytical tools, which handle the building of SQL queries. The approach really depends on the expertise of the team, and the data modeling standards of the organization.

By defining clear dimension and fact tables with appropriate measures, a well-structured data model can enable effective analysis and visualization, supporting the generation of insightful KPIs for data-driven decision-making.

Data Transformation

The data transformation phase is a critical stage in a data warehouse project, where raw data is processed, cleansed, mapped to use proper naming conventions, and loaded into the data warehouse to create a reliable dataset for analysis. Additionally, implementing incremental loads to continuously insert the new information since the last update via batch processes, ensures that the data warehouse stays up-to-date with the latest data.

To help us define the data transformation tasks, we should do the following activities:

  • Data Dictionary, Mapping and Transformation Rules: Develop a clear and comprehensive data dictionary and mapping document that outlines how source data fields correspond to target data warehouse tables and columns

  • Data Profiling: Identify data patterns, anomalies, and potential issues that need to be addressed during the transformation process, like removing null values, duplicates, invalid data

  • Transformation Logic: Apply data transformation logic to standardize formats, resolve data inconsistencies, and calculate derived measures, define the incremental data rules

  • Data Validation and Testing: Validate the transformed data against predefined business rules and requirements to ensure its accuracy and alignment with expectations

  • Complete the Orchestration: Schedule the transformation tasks to automate the data loading process

  • Monitor and Operations: Monitor the transformation tasks to check for failures. Track incomplete data and notify the team of errors

  • Database Tuning: Involves making adjustments to the database system itself to optimize query execution and overall system performance.

A well-executed implementation phase ensures that the data warehouse aligns with the business requirements and enables stakeholders to make informed decisions based on comprehensive and organized data, thus playing a fundamental role in the success of the overall data warehouse project.


Before we can move data into a data warehouse system, we explore two pivotal phases for our data warehouse solution: design and implementation. In the design phase, we lay the groundwork by defining the database system, schema model, and technology stack required to support the data warehouse's implementation and operations. This stage ensures a solid infrastructure for data storage and management.

Moving on to the implementation phase, we focus on converting conceptual data models into a functional system. By creating concrete structures like dimension and fact tables and performing data transformation tasks, including data cleansing, integration, and scheduled batch loading, we ensure that raw data is processed and unified for analysis. With this approach, we successfully complete the entire data pipeline and orchestration, seamlessly moving data from CSV files to the data warehouse.

Exercise - Data Warehouse Model and Transformation

With a solid understanding of the data warehouse design and implementation, the next step is to put these concepts into practice through a hands-on exercise. In this lab, we build a cloud data warehouse system, applying the knowledge gained to create a powerful and efficient analytical platform.

👉 Data Engineering Process Fundamentals - Data Warehouse Model and Transformation Exercise

Thanks for reading.

Send question or comment at Twitter @ozkary

👍 Originally published by ozkary.com


Azure OpenAI API Service with CSharp

The OpenAI Service is a cloud-based API that provides access to Large Language Models (LLM) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Capabilities. This API allows developers to leverage the LLM models to create AI application that can perform Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks such as text generation, code generation, language translation and others.

Azure provides the Azure OpenAI services which integrates the OpenAI API in Azure infrastructure. This enables us to create custom hosting resources and access the OpenAI API with a custom domain and deployment configuration. There are API client libraries to support different programming languages. To access the Azure OpenAI API using .NET, we could use the OpenAI .NET client library and access an OpenAI resource in Azure. As an alternative, we could use the HttpClient class from the System.Net.Http namespace and code the HTTP requests.

👍 The OpenAI client libraries is available for Python, JavaScript, .NET, Java

In this article, we take a look at using the OpenAI API to generate code from a GitHub user story using an Azure OpenAI resource with the .NET client library.

👉 An Azure OpenAI resource can be created by visiting Azure OpenAI Portal

ozkary generate code from github user story

Install the OpenAI APi Client Dependencies

To use the client library, we first need to install the dependencies and configure some environment variables.

$ dotnet add package Azure.AI.OpenAI --prerelease

Install the OpenAI dependencies restoring the project file from this project

  • Clone this GitHub code repo: - LLM Code Generation
  • Open a terminal and navigate to the CSharp folder
    • Use the dotnet restore command when cloning the repository.
$ cd csharp/CodeGeneration
$ dotnet restore

This should download the code to your workstation.

Add the Azure OpenAI environment configurations

Get the following configuration information from your Azure OpenAI resource.

👍 This example uses a custom Azure OpenAI resource hosted at Azure OpenAI Portal

  • GitHub Repo API Token with write permissions to push comments to an issue
  • Get an OpenAI API key
  • If you are using an Azure OpenAI resource, get your custom end-point and deployment
    • The deployment should have the code-davinci-002 model

Set the linux environment variables with these commands:

$ echo export AZURE_OpenAI_KEY="OpenAI-key-here" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc
$ echo export GITHUB_TOKEN="github-key-here" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc
$ echo export AZURE_OpenAI_DEPLOYMENT="deployment-name" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc
$ echo export AZURE_OpenAI_ENDPOINT="https://YOUR-END-POINT.OpenAI.azure.com/" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc

Build and Run the Code

$ dotnet build

Describe the code

The code should run this workflow:

  • Get a list of open GitHub issues with the label user-story
  • Each issue content is sent to the OpenAI API to generate the code
  • The generated code is posted as a comment on the user-story for the developers to review

👍 The following code uses a simple API call implementation for the GitHub and OpenAI APIs. Use the code from this repo: - LLM Code Generation

    // Get environment variables
    private static readonly string openaiApiKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_OPENAI_KEY") ?? String.Empty;    
    private static readonly string openaiBase = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT") ?? String.Empty;       
    private static readonly string openaiEngine = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_OPENAI_DEPLOYMENT") ?? String.Empty;           

    // GitHub API endpoint and authentication headers    
    private static readonly string githubToken = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("GITHUB_TOKEN") ?? String.Empty;

    /// <summary>
    /// Process a GitHub issue by label.
    /// </summary>
    public static async Task ProcessIssueByLabel(string repo, string label)
            // Get the issues from the repo
            var @params = new Parameter { Label = label, State = "open" };              
            List<Issue> issues = await GitHubService.GetIssues(repo, @params, githubToken);
            if (issues != null)
                foreach (var issue in issues)
                    // Generate code using OpenAI
                    Console.WriteLine($"Generating code from GitHub issue: {issue.title} to {openaiBase}");
                    OpenAIService openaiService = new OpenAIService(openaiApiKey, openaiBase, openaiEngine);
                    string generatedCode = await openaiService.Create(issue.body ?? String.Empty);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(generatedCode))
                        // Post a comment with the generated code to the GitHub issue
                        string comment = $"Generated code:\n\n```{generatedCode}\n```";
                        bool commentPosted = await GitHubService.PostIssueComment(repo, issue.number, comment, githubToken);

                        if (commentPosted)
                            Console.WriteLine("Code generated and posted as a comment on the GitHub issue.");
                            Console.WriteLine("Failed to post the comment on the GitHub issue.");
                        Console.WriteLine("Failed to generate code from the GitHub issue.");
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to retrieve the GitHub issue.");
        catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine($"Error: {ex.Message}");

The OpenAI service class handles the OpenAI API details. It takes default parameters for the model deployment (engine), temperature and token limits, which control the cost and amount of text (roughly four letters per token) that should be allowed. For this service, we use the "Completion" model which allows developers to interact with OpenAI's language models and generate text-based completions.

internal class OpenAIService
        private string apiKey;
        private string engine;
        private string endPoint;
        private float temperature;
        private int maxTokens;
        private int n;
        private string stop;

        /// <summary>
        /// OpenAI client
        /// </summary>
        private OpenAIClient? client;

        public OpenAIService(string apiKey, string endPoint, string engine = "text-davinci-003", float temperature = 0.5f, int maxTokens = 350, int n = 1, string stop = "")
            // Configure the OpenAI client with your API key and endpoint                 
            client = new OpenAIClient(new Uri(endPoint), new AzureKeyCredential(apiKey));
            this.apiKey = apiKey;
            this.endPoint = endPoint;            
            this.engine = engine;
            this.temperature = temperature;
            this.maxTokens = maxTokens;
            this.n = n;
            this.stop = stop;                

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a completion from a prompt
        /// </summary>
        public async Task<string> Create(string prompt)
            var result = String.Empty;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(prompt) && client != null)

                Response<Completions> completionsResponse = await client.GetCompletionsAsync(engine, prompt);

                result = completionsResponse.Value.Choices[0].Text.Trim();                

            return result;            

Run the code

After configuring your environment and downloading the code, we can run the code from a terminal by typing the following command from the project folder:

👉 Make sure to enter your repo name and label your issues with either user-story or any other label you would rather use.

# dotnet run --repo ozkary/ai-engineering --label user-story

After running the code successfully, we should be able to see the generated code as a comment on the GitHub issue.



The Azure OpenAI Service provides a seamless integration of OpenAI models into the Azure platform, offering the benefits of Azure's security, compliance, management, and billing capabilities. On the other hand, using the OpenAI API directly allows for a more direct and independent integration with OpenAI services. It may be a preferable option if you have specific requirements, and you do not want to use Azure resources.

Thanks for reading.

Send question or comment at Twitter @ozkary

👍 Originally published by ozkary.com