Showing posts with label android. Show all posts
Showing posts with label android. Show all posts


Xamarin Android WebView Authentication

The WebView browser component is commonly used to render web content within a native application layout. When the content is secured, it is required for the app to authenticate with the Web server first.  When using the WebView component, we can leverage the component events (HTTP pipeline) to...


Xamarin Android Class Not Found Exception

The Class Not Found Exception is commonly raised when the class loader tries to find an activity or a broadcast receiver class listed on the app manifest, but it fails to find it. Common examples can be a splash activity with no layout to show an animation, or a broadcast receiver which should load after intent is received, like boot completed intent. What is common on these cases is that these...


Xamarin Android Build Java Exited with Code 1 ProGuard

When building a Xamarin Android app and using the option to Enable ProGuard, we may get the following error: error MSB6006: "java.exe" exited with code 1 Note: Proguard is a file shrinker/optimizer which is often used on a release version. This can be found on the Android Options...


Xamarin Android Device Mac and IP Address on a WebView JavaScript App

When using JavaScript applications with any framework, we cannot get access to some of the device information like the MAC and IP Address because JavaScript runs on an Isolated Sandbox due to security concerns. When building hybrid applications using the WebView control on a Xamarin Android app, we can leverage the nature of the native app layer to provide the device information to the JavaScript...


Visual Studio 2015 Apache Cordova Android Build Hangs up

When using Visual Studio 2015 to build an Android Apache Cordova mobile app, the build process does not stop after several minutes and there are no messages on the output window. This is a sign that the Android SDK Build tools and or other dependencies may not be available...


Use HTML5 LocalStorage in your Mobile Web Applications

LocalStorage or Dom Storage provides Web pages with the ability to store named key/value pairs locally. This storage is different from the browser cookies. In some systems, it allows Web applications to store from 5MB to 10MB of application data. Unlike cookies, this data is not posted back to the server. It remains locally on the device, and it is persisted even after navigating to another site...


Android Emulator - Use Localhost Web Server

If you are using the Android emulator, and you are trying to reach your web pages in your local development machine, you will soon realize that the emulator can't reach your local web server using localhost, the machine IP address or the machine name. There is however a simple explanation for this. The emulator has its own localhost loopback interface (  This means...