Showing posts with label mvc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mvc. Show all posts


ASP.NET MVC Apps on Virtual Directory with IIS Express

On previous articles, we learned how to deploy multiple ASP.NET MVC Apps on the same Azure Web App by using virtual applications.  We also learned that for some cases when more than one application defines the same routes, this may lead to an ambiguous routing request if not configured properly. Previous...


ASP.NET MVC Routing Error Multiple Controller Types on Azure Virtual Directory

In a previous article, I wrote about hosting an ASP.NET MVC app on a virtual directory on Azure.  You can find the article in the link below.  The main goal of that article was to show how to hosts other sites within the same Azure Web app. View Publish ASP.NET MVC Web App on ...



Web API Anti-Forgery Token AngularJS Client

When building APIs for public web apps, we cannot add the authorization filters to the APIs because the end users do not have to authenticate. We can however add some security measures to the API which would protect it by allowing only requests from the same origin with an anti-forgery token thus allowing...